DUCK, starring Philip Baker Hall
Written and directed by Nic Bettauer
"The always-compelling Philip Baker Hall is front and center... Hall has the right
mix of whimsy and gravitas... an appropriate update of Vittorio De Sica's postwar
Italian classic 'Umberto D'. "
Lisa Nesselson, Variety
"... and we in turn are blessed with a thoughtful look at who we might be and what we can be, with just a little tenderness that remains
embedded in the heart for a long time after."
Rory L. Aronsky, FILM THREAT
FEATURE - The Mighty Duck
"When I meet Nic Bettauer, the director/writer/producer of the critically acclaimed movie, DUCK, on the boardwalk at
Venice Beach, she is wearing a pair of gigantic rubber-soled platform shoes that she'd just bought for "less than $10."
Even in the shoes she remains the only movie auteur still shorter than Woody Allen. Far easier on the eye though."
By Lamont Paul,
read the full interview here on
FEATURE - A Chat with Philip Baker Hall
Currently, Hall is promoting the DVD release of a small, underrated film called "Duck," where he played opposite...well, a duck. It's a mixture of
drama and black comedy, but for its depressing moments, it has a lot of heart as well. Hall explained what it's like to work with an animal co-star,
expressed his considerable dissatisfaction with the way Fox treated his last TV series, "The Loop," and even spoke about his recent commercial work
for Holiday Inn as a Professor of Business Accommodations.
For independent filmmakers, the task of making a movie can be daunting. VOA's Mike O'Sullivan spoke with Nic Bettauer, writer and director of the movieĀ Duck, about the difficult process of getting a film from the script to the screen.
Writer/Director Nic Bettauer on Voice of America
"Bettauer, like other renowned storytellers Preston Sturges and John Steinbeck, asks viewers to look into their own hearts and
attitudes about others of our own species. Duck manages to elucidate and entertain at the same time The gritty reality, the simple story and brilliant
acting will appeal to all ages."
Legendary character actor Philip Baker Hall is joined by his director Nic Bettauer to talk about their new film 'DUCK'.
BlogTalkRadio - Movie Geeks United
Not Coming to a Theater Near You - Adam Balz
"A shy, quiet tour de force looking at love, loneliness, what it means
to be human, and 'duckicity.'"
Dr. Joy Browne, WOR Radio Network
"Funny, charming and delightful. A crowd-pleasing gem."
Avi Offer, The NYC Movie Guru
"An unexpectedly poignant, moving film that took me on an emotional rollercoaster
ride of laughter, tears and hope. Powerful in it's simplicity, DUCK brings about
the subjects avoided by most in a way that doesn't assault the viewer but makes
you wonder what you could do to be part of the solution. Really powerful. It's
still in my head."
Christine Connallon of GC MAGAZINE (Dallas)
"I found this film to be humorous and appealing. But at the same time a sad tale
of how the downtrodden people can fall victim to an ongoing political system that
is impersonal. Philip Baker Hall may be known as a character actor, but he
portrayed a brilliant lead. Joe the Duck was great."
"Philip Baker Hall throws himself into the role ever so convincingly opposite his anthropomorphized companion in a manner reminiscent of
Jimmy Stewart with his imaginary 6-foot tall rabbit in Harvey (1950), and Tom Hanks talking to a volleyball he called Wilson in Cast
Away (2000). A geezer and his pet pal performing random acts of kindness till they find salvation at the ocean shore..."
Kam Williams, NEWS BLAZE
"The filmmaker is good with actors, and in Hall she has a lead with
such innate authority that you can't take your eyes off him."
Chuck Wilson, LA WEEKLY
"Joe may not be welcomed on city buses, but he is one surefire
conversation piece... Hall meshes expertly with the movie's hopeful sadness."
Evan Henerson, LA DAILY NEWS
"Writer/director Nic Bettauer concocts a truly original cinematic
experience... a whimsical, quirky, strangely endearing road movie. It's certainly unique."
Susan Granger,
Duck You Suckers
The Phoenix